The Experimental Workshop on Uniportal VATS Major Lung Resection - Live Surgery is another opportunity for surgeons to learn first-hand the innovative uniportal VATS surgery technique.

This workshop was organized in A Coruna, Spain by Grena Ltd. with the team of surgeons lead by Dr. Diego Gonzalez Rivas and help of the Centro Tecnologico de Formacion and the Fundation do Complexo Hospitalario Universitario A Coruna.

The number of participants was limited to provide good learning enviroment. During this experimental course the participants had learned the minimal invasive uniportal VATS Lung Resection technique with theoretic sessions and a supervised by experts practice on an animal model.

The workshop was a great success and we are sure that all participants learned something new during this time. Thank you for the participation in this event!

We prepared a little surprise for all the participants and presented everyone with a uniportal T-shirt with Dr. Diego Gonzalez Rivas' favorite quote

Please take a few minutes to watch this great video-report from the workshop prepared by Mandeo Records, a movie company from Spain.


Below you can find some pictures from the workshop:


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