We are proud to inform that our German distributor IFM Gerbershagen supported the Masterclass "Prostate" at the European Robotic Institute in Gronau, Germany. It was held on February 24 - 25th, 2017.

The Masterclass features interactive Live Surgery, hands-on training and simulation training in the field of urology. There were some important speakers at the event: Prof Dr. Ashutosh Tewari from Mount Sinai Hospital New York, Prof. Dr. John from Kantonsspital Winterthur, Dr. A. Haese from Martiniklinik Hamburg.

This interactive course is aimed at urologists with experience in robot - assisted urology procedures and those who want to expand their knowledge.
Get answers to the questions about urological procedures with the use of da Vinci® device:
- What prostate procedures can be done by robots?
- What should be considered in patient selection?
- Tips and tricks
- How to avoid complications and improve the outcome of the procedures?

 You can view the detailed program here (in German).


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