We are happy to inform that we have once again organized a Uniportal VATS course in Spain with the help of the UCTMI and Shanghai Pulmonary Hospital this year.

The Minimally Invasive Thoracic Surgery Unit (UCTMI) organizes this wetlab once a year since 2013 and has also experience in collaboration with other institutes in the previous years.

The programme included lectures on the evolution of minimally invasive surgery for resections, how to deal with complex cases and complications and two live surgeries. 

On the second day, the participants joined a wetlab and practiced Uniportal lobectomies with the lead of Dr Diego Gonzalez Rivas.

We are sure that during this course the participants copuld learn a lot and we were happy to assist them!

Here you can find the preview of the programme (.pdf).

Photos from the Uniportal VATS Course in A Coruña, 2017

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