There is a limited number of days during the year that we really look forward to.

Yet again with a constant support of Minimally Invasive Thoracic Surgery Unit (UCTMI) and Centro Tecnológico de Formación (CTF) another edition of Grena International Uniportal VATS Course will be held between 15th and 16th of September 2022 in A Coruña, Spain.

This year we will welcome 14 participants from Spain, Germany, Italy, Portugal and Poland.

This year's edition will, as always, take place in San Rafael and Quiron hospital and Coruña Experimental center guided by the fantastic team from A Coruna with Diego Gonzales Rivas and Georges Decker from Luxembourg as a guest.

As always the first day does include lectures and the second day is a wetlab for practical skills training.

This year's faculty:

M.ª Mercedes de la Torre Bravos. Consultant Thoracic surgeon.Coruña Hospital. Spain.

Diego Gonzalez Rivas. Consultant Thoracic surgeon. Shanghai Pulmonary Hospital. Spain

Ricardo Fernández Prado. Consultant Thoracic surgeon. Coruña Hospital. Spain

Marina Paradela de la Morena. Consultant Thoracic surgeon. Coruña Hospital. Spain

Georges Decker. Consultant Thoracic surgeon. Hôpitaux Robert Schuman- Zithaklinik in Luxembourg

Here's a video from last year's edition:

Check out the masters at UCTMI:

Also check out Centro Tecnológico de Formación (CTF):