Chest Drainage System

Chest drainage units are medical devices which are used to remove air and/or fluid from pleural cavity as well as to keep intrapleural pressure in physiological range after surgical operations which violated pleura integrity, in cases of pleura injury and in cases of pneumothorax of any other origin.
There are one and two chambers systems available.
Chambers can be made of glass and in this case are reusable, or of PVC for single use. For reusable glass bottles spare single use tubings are available.
New plastic chest drainage system is made available to the customers. Both 1 and 2 chamber units are available.
All the products can be equipped with sampling port.
Examples of Chest drainage units

Single use plastic 1- chamber unit

Single use plastic 2- chamber unit

Reusable glass 1- chamber unit

Reusable glass 2- chamber unit
Distributor: Grena Qingdao Medical Devices Ltd