
Mateusz Malina

Mateusz Malina broke another world record!

We are happy to announce that our ambassador, Mateusz Malina has set another world record, during the 2019 CMAS Freediving Indoor European Championship that was held in Istanbul, Turkey. In the competition dynamics in the fins (DYN), the Pole reached a distance of 316 meters. Mateusz Malina is one of the most decorated DYN divers in the world. After three days... Read more

You don’t wait to dreams come true, but MAKE them true!

The Individual AIDA Pool World Championships took place at the end of June 2018 and Magdalena Solich-Talanda was killing it! The strongest current female freediver proved herself again! Magda defended her DNF (no fins dynamics) World Title with a dive of 178m on June 28th, 2018 and won gold in DYN (dynamics with monofin) with... Read more

Get to know Magdalena Solich – current DNF World Record holder

The Story I am a teacher of physical education by profession and passion, specializing in the correction of postural defects in children. I am a swimming trainer and I’m teaching children how to swim and improve their swimming techniques. Since childhood, I was active in sports and my older brothers instilled in me the love... Read more

Start of the 2018 season with a new STA personal record!

The freediving season is slowly starting and the best freedivers in the world are warming up for the upcoming world championship competition. Matt Malina, Grena® sponsored athlete started out strong with breaking yet another of his records! Fazza Championships 2018 in Dubai An early spring competition is the Fazza Championships, which is being held annually... Read more

First attempt at bi-fin DYN – World Record 229m

In September 2016, at the Brno MiniComp in Czech, Matt Malina attempted to break the current record in Bi-Fin dynamics.  First of all, some background info. Matt usually competes in competitions defined by AIDA rules - one of the biggest freediving organizations.  The bi-fin dynamics discipline is not officially recognized by AIDA, but it is by... Read more

New World Records in DYN and DNF – July 2016

Matt participated in the AIDA Individual Pool World Championships 2016 and surprised everyone with breaking record after record! The competition took place on 25th June - 3rd July 2016 in Turku, Finland. Matt broke three world records during this competition - one during the eliminations and two in the finals. The current official record stands as follows:... Read more