The 14th national congress of surgery with international participation was organized by the Bulgarian Surgical society in Sofia in October 2014.

During the congress Dr. Diego Gonzalez Rivas from La Coruña, Spain was invited to hold two lectures: 

"Uniportal video-assisted thoracoscopic resections for lungs cancer" and "Geometric characteristics of uniportal VATS".

What came as a big surprise to Dr. Diego Gonzalez Rivas, before his lectures he recieved a medal of honour from Bulgarian Surgical Society. It was a very touching moment to everyone present at the Congress.

After the Congress Dr. Diego Gonzalez Rivas went to perform two live operations in the hospital in Sofia in the Department of Thoracic surgery of Prof. Danail Petrov.

One of the operations was live-transmitted to the auditorium.

On the next day, Dr. Diego Gonzalez Rivas performed another live surgery in the Department of Thoracic surgery, UMBAL "St. George", in the city of Plovdiv.

The whole visit was perfectly organized by Aleksandar Yankulov MD PhD, who was also present at the operation in Plovdiv.

This visit was a great opportunity to present the VATS minimal invasive operating method in Bulgaria.

It was much speaked about in the Bulgarian media - a lot of articles about the visit of Dr. Diego Gonzalez Rivas were published, as well as some TV mentions were made.


Grena provided the operating rooms with the needed materials: our Click'a V polymer clips and clip appliers.

Below you will find some pictures from the Congress:

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