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We offer some generous range of surgical laparoscopic instruments that shall meet the requirements of all the users.

Various types of graspers, scissors and dissectors offer proper choice of tools for endoscopic surgeons.

The design of all the instruments was focused on usability and ergonomics even during prolonged procedures.

Grena has successfully introduced on the market two types of instruments:

- disposable - single use devices that shall be disposed after use. They offer the best quality and comfort for each application.
Now also bariatric endoscopic instrument available!

- limited-use(TM) - products invented to compromise quality and economy. They are designed to sustain 9 resterilization processes offering up to 10 uses. The limited-use line offers the benefits of the disposable instrument and a lower price.

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United Kingdom

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Chelsea House, Chelsea Street, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire
United Kingdom

Phone/Fax: +44 115 888 0599

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 London Chamber of Commerce and Industry


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