Virtual Grena Workshop, 13 April 2021, Gronau, Germany
After a long wait, we carefully reviewed the pandemic situation and decided to pick up on our collaboration with the European Robotic Institute and ProstataZentrum NordWest in Germany.
After a long wait, we carefully reviewed the pandemic situation and decided to pick up on our collaboration with the European Robotic Institute and ProstataZentrum NordWest in Germany.
We are very sorry to inform that due to the spreading of the COVID-19 disease and WHO announcing a worldwide pandemic, we are forced to cancel the Uniportal VATS training that was planned for May 11th - 22nd, 2020 in the Shanghai Pulmonary Hospital in Shanghai, China.
We are observing the situation an will inform you if a new date will be available to the registered participants.
The first out of four Prostata Robotic Workshops in 2020 was held on February 25 - 26th, 2020 at the Prostatazentrum Nordwest in Gronau, Germany.
We are happy to inform that our distributor Surgiline SRL was present at the 8th Techno Urology Meeting that took place in January 2020 in Torino, Italy.