New products on our website

We updated our website today with our new products. Some of you may have already seen them in person at one of our Booths during Fairs,workshops and events.

Introducing our new Click'aV Plus™ ligating clips

If you know how important ABS is in your car, you will understand the strength of our Click'aV Plus™ instantly! 

Just as the original ABS in your car, our new ligating clip Click'aV Plus™ is designed to perform like usual in normal circumstances, but will save lives in difficult surgery situations!

RingProtect™ Animation Tutorial out!

Today we published our brand new animated video tutorial on our YouTube channel. This time, you will learn the ins and outs of the RingProtect™ wound retractor.

Spanish or French speaking Export Sales Advisor

Right now we are looking for:

Spanish or French speaking Export Sales Advisor

Fantastic opportunity to join a world class, international and highly successful organisation in Nottingham.

Think positive! - social project started in Poland

We would like to introduce you to a very important as well as interesting part of Grena's social activities.
This week our first social campaign in Poland started out, with the aim to motivate patients of Polish hospitals during their hospital stay and recovery.

Nottingham Office

International Customer Service Centre

Chelsea House, Chelsea Street, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire
United Kingdom

Phone/Fax: +44 115 888 0599